Evebloggers.com is dead. Why? Not because @MarcScaurus shut it down, but because Google Reader has shut down (link). You see, evebloggers.com was built on the output of Google Reader RSS feeds, and I was expecting it to die if Marc didn’t find another solution. He didn’t. Now it’s dead.
If someone else is going to take it over (if Marc actually lets them, which I doubt he will), they’ll have to find another solution. Good luck to them. I’ve spent the past couple of months trying to find another solution, and there isn’t any just yet. What Google Reader provided was unique in the way they generated public outputs of collections of RSS feeds. No one else does anything like it.
So that’s why I was determined to create a NEW portal site for Eve bloggers. Not just to replicate what evebloggers.com was, but to evolve it so that it’s able to cope with today’s demands, and provide functionality leading into the future. I’ve done that with the new Eve Blogging Community –eveblogs.net
I’ll do another post about that shortly, and provide an open invitation to everyone who was involved in evebloggers.com to leave their blog details on the new community site so that their posts can continue to be updated and available to everyone everywhere.